
BatchOS Versions:
BatchOS 1.0 -

'Colors' is a screen that fills up with a very pretty pattern over time.
Requires DEBUG (x86)

'BetterColors' is 'Colors' badass grandpa.
Requires Colorshow.exe (x86-x64)

BetterColors 1.1 -
'BetterColors 1.1' is BetterColors with file-writing, looping, and display toggling support, so you can render a pattern for a long/infinite time without the initial wait, once you made the pattern once.

'Moving Test' is the test of a cursor being drawn with DEBUG and not variables.
Requires DEBUG (x86)

'Ball Bounce' is a ball bouncing off of walls with paddles moving along the ball's Y coordinates. It looks like Pong, but you can't interact with it.
Requires DEBUG (x86)

NOTE: '' is no longer used in BatchOS 1.3. In fact, this CHOICE.COM is incompatible with Windows 7 and 8. Still, in XP and Vista, it can be used for apps.

NOTE: Doesn't work on x64 machines. It does on x86 though, just it doesn't work for things like BatchOS. To be honest, I don't know why I still have this link.

NOTE: Maybe, just MAYBE, I could find a way to make CMD.EXE compatible with DOSBox, but for now, this link will lie here and torture me with supposed potential help.

NOTE: Required for BetterColors, and for other colorful programs found here.

Extra stuff:
BatchOS 1.3.1 Code Printout (Illegible but cool-looking)

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