BatchOS doesn't work! It quickly displays the desktop but then instantly closes!
This is either a problem with the colors, or even worse, a 64 bit machine.
If you have a Windows 7 machine, it should automatically turn off many of the colors.
If you have a 64 bit machine, however, expect a bug-fixed update as soon as hell freezes over.
64 bit machines don't have the DEBUG command, the command NEEDED for colors and mouse support

If that's your problem, use version 1.1. There's no other way.

BatchOS 1.5 doesn't have color!
In Windows 7, the color is disabled by default. You can fix this either by:

-Going to Settings --> Command Prompt and type in 'set ifcolors=1'
-Going into the code itself and typing in 'set ifcolors=1' at the beginning of the :desktop label.

The latter of the two doesn't have to be done every time. The first one does.

Some of the app icons have a corner missing!
Deal with it, there's no fix yet. Besides, it's purely a graphical glitch. Nothing bad will happen because of that.

My app closes out of the entire command line!
I told you to use 'goto :eof' instead of 'exit'; that's probably the issue.
Go replace the exit, and if the 'goto :eof' isn't in a called label, it should work.

Here's an example of when 'goto :eof' doesn't work:

@echo off
echo Testing, testing, one two three!
call :close
goto :test
goto :eof   <-- :(

That 'goto :eof' makes it go back to where it was called. Make sure that doesn't happen.

When I double-click on the Start menu in 1.3, I can't run the app on it!
Ahh, I forgot to tell you. I've been updating it discretely, and I've made it so that if you click on the start menu twice, it turns it off. Same if you activate it and click a couple of times on the side. I'll hope to fix that in the next update.

UPDATE: Nailed it! 1.3.1 has that fixed.

Why is it so slow?
Either use the .exe version, close some other programs, or get a better computer. 1.3 uses the mouse, so that would be faster than using the keyboard to move an imaginary cursor.

Will it ever be for the Mac OS X?
What part of 'Only for Windows' don't you get?

Weeeeeeelll...maybe the .exe version might work for the OS X, but WINE might be neccisary. I'm not sure. I don't like Macs.

UPDATE: No, unless you run Windows in a Virtual Machine. Use Oracle VirtualBox for that.

Why does it show 'Advanced BAT to EXE converter' for some EXE versions?
Ah, heh heh, you see, I used something called that, and that might happen. I'm switching to a different converter, so don't worry.

My issue isn't listed in the FAQ!
Oh is that so...
...why don't you post what your problem is in the forum, and if it's not spam, then I'll be happy to help...help it.

Are you aware that it's sites like these that don't get any community?

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